Swing The Hammer!

June 24, 2012 01:21 PM Comment(s) By Tom Bixby

If you want to drive a nail, you have to swing the hammer!

A hammer is a useful tool to drive nails, but it can't do it on its own.  You have to take action.  Pick up the hammer.  Yes, you do have to take aim at your targeted nail head, but aiming alone won't get it done.  You have to swing that hammer!

At EvaluSys, we're thankful to have developed a strong community of Business Advisor members since we launched back in July 2009.  They became EvaluSys members because they understood the necessity of identifying a client's core management issues before prescribing a course of action.  The EvaluSys Business Evaluation™ has proven to be an effective tool to quickly and reliably diagnose a broad range of management issues, saving time and money for both clients and advisors.

Following the hammer analogy, Advisor members must act to use EvaluSys management diagnostics with their clients before that tool can help them be more effective in improving business results, for both their clients and for their own advisory practice.  Registering as a Business Advisor Member is like picking up the hammer.  It's a great start!  If you are a business advisor of any flavor and you haven't registered at EvaluSys.com, you should begin there.

The next step would be to take aim. For EvaluSys, that could mean examining your current client list looking for any where you suspect they haven't reached their full potential. Advisor members have begun to employ the Business Wellness Checkup™ as a way to take aim at the management areas of general concern, and to identify clients who could benefit most from further diagnostic assessment.
Then it is time to swing the hammer and use the Business Evaluation process to identify business improvement opportunities for review with your clients.  Diagnostic results will provide you with a list of suggested actions, supported by valuable insights on how the issue may be impacting the client business and potential benefits of taking action.

If you are a business advisor who is looking for ways to inject new life into your advisory practice or your client's business, take action!  Swing the hammer!  Use the EvaluSys Business Evaluation™, providing valuable insight that is making a profound difference for companies across the United States and beyond. 

Tom Bixby

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